Most frequent questions and answers
  • In order to purchase a handgun or receiver, you must be 21 or older.
  • In order to purchase a long gun, you must be 18 or older.
    • Excludes “Others”
  • Buyers must be a resident of the state of Texas.
  • No Sales/transfers to Non Immigrant Alien or Illegal Aliens.
  • I have right to refuse services to anybody I deem unfit.

For Non Texas License to Carry (LTC) holders, a background check through the FBI will need to be conducted.

  • If you clear the background check, you can receive your item.
  • In the instance where the initial response is “Delayed”, customer will be asked to leave premises and return when final response is provided.
  • In the instance of a “Denied” background check result, transfer fee is nonrefundable.

Special orders (anything not in stock) will require a 50% deposit.  This is asked because in order to procure your item, I have to pay for it in advance.  If you chose not to purchase your item, your deposit will not be refunded.

Brass & Barrel is only capable of providing services on Title 1 firearms (handguns, rifles, shotguns, etc). No Title 2 firearms such as full auto, short barrel rifles, suppressors, etc).